Better is possible!

212 Environmental’s guiding philosophy is, “We know better is possible.” We seek to understand the unique needs of each project and are never satisfied with the answer, “That’s the way it has always been done.”  We continually evaluate how things are working and pursue the best path forward. We follow an inquiry based approach and do not simply apply the same formula to each project.


212 Environmental is small; this is intentional. Being small, but scalable, allows us to manage overhead and keep costs down, and we pass these cost savings on to our clients.


212 Environmental continuously researches new and innovative ways to perform work.  We achieve this internally by nurturing discovery and externally by collaborating with experts across industry, consultancy, and academia. We leverage technology, inventive processes, and new product developments to improve outcomes for our clients.


212 Environmental cares about our people. We are a fun and energetic group of intelligent, experienced, and principled professionals. Everyone at 212 Environmental is encouraged to think differently and speak their minds. We create an environment that fosters growth for each member of our team.





Paul Michalski

Program Manager and
Senior Hydrogeologist


Environmental projects are often managed inefficiently.  This results in protracted cleanup timeframes due to entrenched processes, tools, and techniques. The staff at 212 Environmental has decades of experience managing environmental liabilities on behalf of our clients. Over time we have developed the expertise to improve planning, management, and execution through the use of:

  • Innovative assessment leveraging advances in technology and high-resolution techniques
  • Integrated data reduction, analysis, three-dimensional modeling, and reporting methods
  • Improved collaboration with regulatory agencies to streamline approval of risk-based endpoints
  • Extended team of experts from industry, consultancy, and academia to optimize remedial design and implementation
  • Advanced financial models to quantify short- and long-term liabilities for various remedial strategies
  • Focused remedy design and construction centered on achieving agreed upon endpoints and reducing active operational timeframes
  • Streamlined operations, maintenance, and monitoring utilizing automation and remote telemetry
  • Optimized use of natural smear zone depletion and other passive options to reduce life cycle costs


The projects described herein offer a small sample of the diverse and interesting work we have performed on behalf of our clients to reduce risk, mitigate liability, preserve reputation, decrease life cycle costs, and improve stakeholder outcomes.  If you have a need for an environmental consultant, the team at 212 Environmental is here to help.


212 Environmental wants to hear from you. If you share some of the same values and ideals, then give us a call or send us an email. We would love to hear from others who believe in doing things better.


When it comes to consulting, there is the age-old debate about whether to engage a large organization with thousands of employees or a small boutique firm. Who you work with matters, and for us, staying small is a deliberate and strategic decision that has proven beneficial for our clients of all sizes.


212 Environmental was built to do what large firms simply can’t do. We start and execute quickly with an independent, flexible, and agile team that is personally invested in every project. We leverage the years of industry experience to create new methods and technologies that streamline processes. Based on our client’s needs, we take advantage of the relationships that we have fostered across the environmental industry to scale up to meet the demands of any project.


The following are the benefits of selecting a small consultancy such as 212 Environmental:

  • The small firm is typically founded by experienced, specialized, and connected leadership
  • The small firm tends to have targeted areas of focus with clearly defined processes that carry projects from start to successful finish
  • The small firm’s growth is directly connected to their client’s success
  • The small firm is made up of a flexible team of experts fully invested in their client’s projects
  • The small firm builds confidence through trusted, personal relationships extending across the organizations
  • The small firm is able to responds rapidly to client needs and evolving priorities
  • The small firm possesses a greater degree of freedom to identify and implement technological innovations


The relative value of a consultancy cannot be measured by their size, but instead it lies within the expertise and abilities of those that make up the firm.

As water begins to boil, there is a moment when the first few bubbles form on the edges of the pot. This process is not sudden but rather the result of a steady buildup of energy as the water is heated, until the boiling point is reached and a new phase is introduced.

212 Environmental Consulting began in a similar manner. What may have seemed like a sudden decision to start a new company was actually preceded by years of professional work at large, well-renowned firms. During that time, we learned from our mentors and colleagues, but also witnessed the inefficiencies often present within large corporations.  We recognized a simple concept that better is possible, and like the pot of water reaching 212 degrees Fahrenheit, starting a new consulting firm became the next phase of our careers.


212 Environmental is a niche environmental and engineering consulting firm founded in 2016 in Cincinnati, Ohio with the vision of offering our clients cutting edge solutions to their environmental problems without the significant overhead costs that are common within our industry.  We have created a highly collaborative workplace that allows each team member to thrive on the diversity of activities and the technical challenges that come from being part of a boutique consulting firm.

212 Environmental integrates risk-based approaches with unique solutions for revitalizing properties with significant environmental concerns.  We are focused on the assessment, design, and implementation of sustainable remediation solutions at complex sites underlain with petroleum, chlorinated, and emerging contaminant releases.  212 Environmental achieves our client’s goals by leveraging technological advances. We continuously research new and innovative ways to perform work, many times developing new products to reduce costs and improve processes.  We apply these approaches to any project that we manage, whether a small retail site or a massive industrial complex.


The team at 212 Environmental believe passionately in the value of the work we provide to our clients and communities in which we serve. Grateful to our past mentors and peers, but ready to forge our own path, we began 212 Environmental with a passion towards doing things better.

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                    Copyright 2021  |  All Rights Reserved   |  212 Environmental Consulting, LLC.  |  The Historic Adam Riddle House  |  2021 Auburn Avenue  |  Cincinnati, OH 45219
CLIENT PORTAL - Developed by Little Me DesignsIT